
Economic Issues That Matter (হার্ডকভার)


১৮৯৫.০০ ১৫১৬.০০

একসাথে কেনেন

Economic Issues touch our lives on daily basis, directly and indirectly, as producers and consumers. For those in the corridor of power, these also concern as subjects of policy matter. A discipline of such practical relevance to the lives of every citizen should not be left to the exclusive preserve of the esoteric few. Every knowledgeable person should have some insight into the working of the economy and the policies made on various issues in order to take decisions in a more informed way. For this an elementary understanding of economic issues is sufficient. This book has attempted to present the issues that matter in the lives of most people in as simple a language as is possible.
Economic Issues touch our lives on daily basis, directly and indirectly, as producers and consumers. For those in the corridor of power, these also concern as subjects of policy matter. A discipline of such practical relevance to the lives of every citizen should not be left to the exclusive preserve of the esoteric few. Every knowledgeable person should have some insight into the working of the economy and the policies made on various issues in order to take decisions in a more informed way. For this an elementary understanding of economic issues is sufficient. This book has attempted to present the issues that matter in the lives of most people in as simple a language as is possible.,Economic Issues touch our lives on daily basis, directly and indirectly, as producers and consumers. For those in the corridor of power, these also concern as subjects of policy matter. A discipline of such practical relevance to the lives of every citizen should not be left to the exclusive preserve of the esoteric few. Every knowledgeable person should have some insight into the working of the economy and the policies made on various issues in order to take decisions in a more informed way. For this an elementary understanding of economic issues is sufficient. This book has attempted to present the issues that matter in the lives of most people in as simple a language as is possible. in boiferry,Economic Issues touch our lives on daily basis, directly and indirectly, as producers and consumers. For those in the corridor of power, these also concern as subjects of policy matter. A discipline of such practical relevance to the lives of every citizen should not be left to the exclusive preserve of the esoteric few. Every knowledgeable person should have some insight into the working of the economy and the policies made on various issues in order to take decisions in a more informed way. For this an elementary understanding of economic issues is sufficient. This book has attempted to present the issues that matter in the lives of most people in as simple a language as is possible. buy online,Economic Issues touch our lives on daily basis, directly and indirectly, as producers and consumers. For those in the corridor of power, these also concern as subjects of policy matter. A discipline of such practical relevance to the lives of every citizen should not be left to the exclusive preserve of the esoteric few. Every knowledgeable person should have some insight into the working of the economy and the policies made on various issues in order to take decisions in a more informed way. For this an elementary understanding of economic issues is sufficient. This book has attempted to present the issues that matter in the lives of most people in as simple a language as is possible. by Hasnat Abdul Hye,Economic Issues That Matter,Economic Issues That Matter বইফেরীতে,Economic Issues That Matter অনলাইনে কিনুন,হাসনাত আবদুল হাই এর Economic Issues That Matter,9789848125861,Economic Issues touch our lives on daily basis, directly and indirectly, as producers and consumers. For those in the corridor of power, these also concern as subjects of policy matter. A discipline of such practical relevance to the lives of every citizen should not be left to the exclusive preserve of the esoteric few. Every knowledgeable person should have some insight into the working of the economy and the policies made on various issues in order to take decisions in a more informed way. For this an elementary understanding of economic issues is sufficient. This book has attempted to present the issues that matter in the lives of most people in as simple a language as is possible. Ebook,Economic Issues touch our lives on daily basis, directly and indirectly, as producers and consumers. For those in the corridor of power, these also concern as subjects of policy matter. A discipline of such practical relevance to the lives of every citizen should not be left to the exclusive preserve of the esoteric few. Every knowledgeable person should have some insight into the working of the economy and the policies made on various issues in order to take decisions in a more informed way. For this an elementary understanding of economic issues is sufficient. This book has attempted to present the issues that matter in the lives of most people in as simple a language as is possible. Ebook in BD,Economic Issues touch our lives on daily basis, directly and indirectly, as producers and consumers. For those in the corridor of power, these also concern as subjects of policy matter. A discipline of such practical relevance to the lives of every citizen should not be left to the exclusive preserve of the esoteric few. Every knowledgeable person should have some insight into the working of the economy and the policies made on various issues in order to take decisions in a more informed way. For this an elementary understanding of economic issues is sufficient. This book has attempted to present the issues that matter in the lives of most people in as simple a language as is possible. Ebook in Dhaka,Economic Issues touch our lives on daily basis, directly and indirectly, as producers and consumers. For those in the corridor of power, these also concern as subjects of policy matter. A discipline of such practical relevance to the lives of every citizen should not be left to the exclusive preserve of the esoteric few. Every knowledgeable person should have some insight into the working of the economy and the policies made on various issues in order to take decisions in a more informed way. For this an elementary understanding of economic issues is sufficient. This book has attempted to present the issues that matter in the lives of most people in as simple a language as is possible. Ebook in Bangladesh,Economic Issues touch our lives on daily basis, directly and indirectly, as producers and consumers. For those in the corridor of power, these also concern as subjects of policy matter. A discipline of such practical relevance to the lives of every citizen should not be left to the exclusive preserve of the esoteric few. Every knowledgeable person should have some insight into the working of the economy and the policies made on various issues in order to take decisions in a more informed way. For this an elementary understanding of economic issues is sufficient. This book has attempted to present the issues that matter in the lives of most people in as simple a language as is possible. Ebook in boiferry,Economic Issues That Matter ইবুক,Economic Issues That Matter ইবুক বিডি,Economic Issues That Matter ইবুক ঢাকায়,Economic Issues That Matter ইবুক বাংলাদেশে
হাসনাত আবদুল হাই এর Economic Issues That Matter এখন পাচ্ছেন বইফেরীতে মাত্র 1667.60 টাকায়। এছাড়া বইটির ইবুক ভার্শন পড়তে পারবেন বইফেরীতে। Economic Issues touch our lives on daily basis, directly and indirectly, as producers and consumers. For those in the corridor of power, these also concern as subjects of policy matter. A discipline of such practical relevance to the lives of every citizen should not be left to the exclusive preserve of the esoteric few. Every knowledgeable person should have some insight into the working of the economy and the policies made on various issues in order to take decisions in a more informed way. For this an elementary understanding of economic issues is sufficient. This book has attempted to present the issues that matter in the lives of most people in as simple a language as is possible. by Hasnat Abdul Hyeis now available in boiferry for only 1667.60 TK. You can also read the e-book version of this book in boiferry.
ধরন হার্ডকভার | ৪৯২ পাতা
প্রথম প্রকাশ 2021-02-01
প্রকাশনী পাঠক সমাবেশ
ISBN: 9789848125861
ভাষা English

ক্রেতার পর্যালোচনা

হাসনাত আবদুল হাই
লেখকের জীবনী
হাসনাত আবদুল হাই (Hasnat Abdul Hye)

হাসনাত আবদুল হাই জন্ম ১৯৩৭ সালের মে মাসে। দেশ-বিদেশের বিভিন্ন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে অর্থনীতি বিষয়ে উচ্চশিক্ষা লাভের পর ১৯৬৪-৬৫ সময়ে ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে শিক্ষকতা করেন। পরে সরকারি চাকরিতে যোগদান এবং ২০০০ সালে সচিব পদ থেকে অবসর গ্রহণ। লেখালেখির শুরু ছাত্রজীবন থেকে। লিখেছেন ছোটগল্প, উপন্যাস, ভ্রমণকাহিনি, শিল্পসমালোচনা, নন্দনতত্ত্ব এবং অর্থনীতি বিষয়ে বই। তাঁর অনুবাদে সম্প্রতি প্রকাশিত হয়েছে হাজার বছরের বাংলা কবিতা সংকলন গ্রন্থ। কথাসাহিত্যের জন্য পেয়েছেন বাংলা একাডেমি পুরস্কার (১৯৭৮) এবং সাহিত্যে অবদানের জন্য একুশে পদক (১৯৯৫)।

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